Tuesday, January 31, 2012

R e l a x . . .

     Today started out as just one of those days; one of those days where you wake up tempted to be irritable for no apparent reason. Feeling sorry for my poor roommates, I fought all morning to try and stay positive and patient. Thankfully, I only had two classes this morning and wasn't scheduled to work, therefore, I had the whole afternoon to myself to take a breather and just relax. After some good, old me time, I felt so much better! When irritable, under pressure, stressed, or something of the sort, here are some of my favorite ways to relax:

  • Journal/Pray
  • Listen to music (Can't get enough of this song right now!)
  • Workout/Go for a good, long run
  • Call/talk to an encouraging friend
  • Be productive! - I like to make lists, (partly just because I love the proud, accomplished feeling of crossing things off as I finish them) so today I made a big to-do list, which was so helpful in truly focusing on what my priorities for the day were.
    • Get homework done
    • Clean room and get rid of the stuff I don't wear or use anymore
    • Do laundry, dishes, etc.
  • Take a nap
  • Drink some tea
  • Take a long, hot shower
  • Take my dog for a walk
  • Read a good book or some Psalms
  • Paint my nails
If you're feeling burned out or extra sassy today, take some time to just breathe and de-stress. You and those around you will be happy you did. :) If you know of any other great ways to relax that aren't listed, feel free to comment and share. Be blessed today.

My little Toby relaxing on a beautiful, Spring day :)

Monday, January 23, 2012

The Little Things

"Joy comes from the little 
pleasures God gives us every day."

     Today is Monday. I woke up early this morning to the less than charming sound of my alarm clock, went to my three Monday classes, went to chapel, made myself a quick lunch, finished up some homework, and will be departing from my 'dorm, sweet dorm,' for a six and a half hour shift at work soon. Initially, today seems to be a very typical Monday in the life of a North Central student. As I sat in my bible study methods class during second hour today, I realized something... today is a fantastic day. Now, before you assume I've been going a little crazy cooped up on this snowy day, hear me out. No, nothing exceptionally stand-out-wonderful happened, such as finding money on the ground, being miraculously healed/recover from a serious sickness or disease, or making a varsity sports team (or something of that caliber), but I just stopped, and really appreciated all of the little things.
     Receiving a good morning text from my boyfriend, getting ready with ten minutes to spare this morning - perfect for some prayer, getting a delicious, free cup of coffee from the library, being able to chat and catch up with friends in classes about their weekends, admiring the beautiful snowfall outside the classroom window, understanding what's going on in systematic theology and being able to participate in discussion, despite lowering the brightness so much that I could barely see the screen, my dying laptop survived all the way up until the end of my last class. 
     Too often, we allow ourselves to be so consumed in our circumstances, issues, stress, and where we're off to next. Many of the things I listed above happen often; though I don't always give them a second thought. It's important and so refreshing to once in a while just take a step back, thank God, choose to be happy, and appreciate all of the little blessings along the way of this big journey we call life.

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Saturday, January 21, 2012

Power of Leadership

Gina and I - One of the greatest women
and role models I've ever known
     Think about some of the people and/or role models who have impacted you most in life. Now, imagine that you never met them. Crazy, huh? Would your life be dramatically different? I know mine sure would be.
     What made the leaders in my life so great and impacting? Was it all of the precious free time they gave up to spend time with, listen to, and encourage me? Or perhaps the positive, Christ-like attributes they possessed? Or was it the way they just genuinely loved and cared about how I was doing? I believe it was a healthy combination of all those factors.    
     Lately I've been thinking a lot about leadership and its tremendous effect. I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that I would not be the strong, hope, and life-filled woman I am today if not for particular youth leaders and best friends in my life. On the other hand, I know many individuals who never truly connected with a positive leader/role model during junior high/high school and are not making the wisest choices today because of it.
Hannah, Sarah (two other leaders),
Kaelyn, Sarah, Marissa, (students)
and I after the girls' dance recital     
     I am currently a junior high youth group leader at my church. I absolutely adore my students and love each of them so much more than they know. As I reflect on how essential it was to have close relationships with leaders in my life during the young teen years, I am more motivated than ever before to personally connect with each of my students, especially the girls. I am so driven to know their needs and struggles, lift them up in prayer, encourage them, support them, laugh with them, love on them, hang out with them, just enjoy life with them.
    If you're not involved any means of leadership, whether that be at work, school, a church, an organization, or even within a family, I encourage you to find your leadership niche -- a place where you can positively lead others with your distinct skills and capabilities. Also, make sure you have someone older and wiser that you can go to and look up to as a positive leader in your life; never take them for granted. A remarkable leader is powerful; their influence can often begin a legacy.

Students at our life-group Christmas party 2011

Thursday, January 12, 2012

It's all about Him.

     Today marks the second day of my second semester at North Central. I feel as though God is going to do tremendous things in my heart and life this semester. I know its not always going to easy or comfortable, but I know He is working for my good.
     In chapel yesterday, I was absolutely overwhelmed in the best way possible by God's presence, something that I don't stop and appreciate enough. Amongst our personal schedules and the busy-ness of our lives, it is so important to just stop and acknowledge God's presence. In every single moment, high or low, He is there. We forget that way too often. During both the blessed and challenging times, it's a matter of choosing to acknowledge His presence and give Him praise through it all. In the darkest hours, we are to lean in, turning to truth (the Word), instead of worldly advice. In the brightest of days, we are to dance for joy, full of thanksgiving to Him! He's not a "there just when you need Him" type of God, so let's not treat Him like one. Through all situations and circumstances, He's able and there to bless you, comfort you, strengthen you, give you hope, and fill your heart with joy. Not to mention, when you're lonely! There's no need to ever feel alone because God, the actual definition of perfect love, is there with you, in every moment. In every moment of your life, acknowledge Him, and allow Him to guide your steps.


     "You should want to know and delight in God more than anything else... which will take dying." This will take dying to yourself [ your personal, desires, dreams, and wants ] and the world [ materialistic things ]. This semester I'm putting to the way side all of my personal desires and chasing after His heart. As hard as this is, I know His way is the best way. I wrote this in my journal, "May this semester just be about YOU, just YOU, God. Your plans, your ways, your time. I will not worry about my friends, family, boyfriend, job, and ultimately life, I'm walking in align with you and your heart, so I'm confident that it will be the greatest, most for the Kingdom life possible." Taking God's way is far from the path of least resistance, but the most rewarding, hands down. Apart of me is tempted to be fearful to let go of my control, but fear... is not of God (did you know the bible actually says something along the lines of, "do not fear, afraid/be fear not, etc." close to 365 times? - yeah, I think he meant it), so I have peace knowing He works for the best of those who love Him. So, here's to freshmen semester round two. God, I'm yours.

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