Tuesday, April 17, 2012


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     Fear; it inhibits us, deters us from saying and doing things, too often restricts us from all life has to offer. I've been thinking a lot about fear lately and how much power I give it over my heart and life.
"How much differently would you live your life if you lived without any fear?"
     I haven't been able to get that question out of mind over the past week. If a vacuum were to suck up all the fear and emotions that are results of fear within me, I would live so much more freely. I would step out and speak more life into individuals. I would never let a chance to share the love of God pass by again. I wouldn't give my appearance/what others think a negative second thought. I wouldn't worry or be jealous. I would have such a peace about every aspect of my life... family, friends, financial, my future... I could go on and on! A life without fear sounds incredible and that is what I'm striving for. 1 John 4:18 says, "There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love." In order to live lives absent of fear, we must live lives overflowing with love.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Roller Coaster Life

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     Life... what a roller coaster it can be; a wild ride that often takes twists and turns without any warning to its passengers. Recently i've been overwhelmed with a heavy family situation, a mountainous amount of schoolwork as my freshmen year comes to a close, and far more hours scheduled at work than my body can physically handle, resulting in sickness. As you can probably tell, unfortunately time to blog has been far in few in-between lately.
     Although, I'm holding on to my lap bar. My "life roller coaster" has taken an unexpected, undesired turn, but there's no way I'm jumping off. I am thankful for all of my fellow passengers that have comforted me along the way - friends, professors, and leaders who have encouraged, prayed with, and just been there for me. I recently read a quote from John Piper, pastor of Bethlehem Baptist Church in Minneapolis, MN, "I have never known a season of joy unmixed with sorrow or sorrow unmixed with joy. The former comes. The latter passes away." As times of sorrow end, times of joy begin. At the end of this life twist, there will come a time when the track straightens out once again. Though I will not be the same as I was before, no, my hair may be out of place, but as I sit back, now able to see more of the entire ride instead of a single twist, I have a greater appreciation and understanding for the twist and the current time of peace. From my experience, I will have greater trust in the ride operator (the Lord), as another twist approaches. It too will come to an end and I will become a wiser, stronger rider (tool for the Lord to use) because of it.